OdinSchool OdinSchool

Learning Hub

An extensive resource library to support you on your upskilling and professional development journey ahead.

Mastering Ansible - A Beginner's Guide to Efficient IT Automation
Mastering Ansible - A Beginner's Guide to Efficient IT Automation
  • Ansible Overview
  • Ansible Installation
  • Ansible Modules
  • Ansible Playbooks
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NodeJS Course for Beginners
NodeJS Course for Beginners
  • Nodejs Introduction
  • Working of Nodejs
  • Nodejs Modules
  • HTTP Server in Nodejs
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Effective Methods of Making Money on Instagram
Effective Methods of Making Money on Instagram
  • Introduction to the Course
  • Market Research & Profile Analysis
  • Types of Accounts on Instagram
  • Making Posts on Instagram
  • Stories & Reels on Instagram
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Beginner Web Design Using HTML5
Beginner Web Design Using HTML5
  • HTML5 - The Foundation of Modern Web Development
  • Exploring Features and Semantic Elements
  • Crafting Interactive Web Elements: Lists, Links, and Images
  • Crafting Web Layouts: Balancing Structure with Semantic Tags
  • Data Presentation - HTML5 Tables Demystified
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Data Science with Python
Data Science with Python
  • Introduction to Python
  • Sequences and File Operations
  • Data Visualization
  • Handling Missing Values
  • Introduction to Spyder
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Build a Website from Scratch
Build a Website from Scratch
  • Introduction to Web Design, Tools and Code Setup
  • Web Page Designing
  • Page Styling and Introduction to Scripting Language
  • JavaScript Objects, Events and Popup Boxes
  • Ajax, JSON, Debugging and Running Application
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Linux Tutorial
Linux Tutorial
  • Introduction to Linux
  • Linux Features & Structure
  • Basic Commands in Linux
  • Linux File System
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Big Data
What is Big Data?
  • What is Big Data?
  • Benefits of Certification | Big Data Developer
  • What are the Use Cases of Big Data
  • Applications of Big Data
  • Various job roles
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Hadoop Administrator
  • What is Hadoop?
  • About Hadoop Administrator
  • Eligibility Criteria for Hadoop Administrator
  • Career opportunities for Hadoop Administrator
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MS Excel
MS Excel
  • What is MS Excel?
  • Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)
  • MOS Certification Exam Format
  • MOS Excel 2013 Exam
  • MOS Excel 2010 Exam
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Machine Learning
  • What is Machine Learning?
  • Applications of Machine Learning
  • Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
  • Classification Algorithms
  • Different types of Classifiers
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Data Analytics
Data Analytics
  • Perspective of a Consultant to Data Analytics
  • What is Analytics?
  • Evolution of Analytics
  • Data Analytics Explosion
  • Finding your path in Data Analytics
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  • Ruby Introduction
  • Ruby Installation
  • Ruby Variables
  • Ruby Datatypes
  • Ruby Operators
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  • Installation Process
  • PHP Variables
  • Datatypes in PHP
  • Typecasting in PHP
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