Abhishek Vijayvargia
Senior Data Scientist at Microsoft

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Masterclass Details-
March 18, 2023
11:00 AM 1:00 PM
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Check NowLearn to Predict User Sentiment from Text Comments
- Understand Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Know Machine Learning Pipeline for NLP projects
- Get surprise benefits at the end of the Masterclass
Data Scientist | Career Mentor | Content Creator | IIT Kanpur Graduate
Abhishek Vijayvargia is a Senior Data Scientist at Microsoft and has 8 years of experience in the industry. He has previously held the role of a Data Scientist at organizations such as FogHorn Systems Inc, Fresh Gravity Inc, and Informatica. Abhishek is also a career mentor, content creator, and speaker. He speaks extensively about Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning.
Abhishek Vijayvargia

What's in it for you?
Learn the process of understanding user sentiment behind the comment using machine learning!
How can text data on the Internet be used by machine learning models? What steps must be taken to make it usable for training?
In this session, you will learn about text data, its hidden powers, and how it is transformed to use with model training with Abhishek Vijayvargia.
Key takeaways:
- A foundational understanding of Natural language Processing (NLP)
- Problems in NLP (How textdata can be used to solve complex tasks)
- Exploratory Data Analysis of textdata
- Machine Learning Pipeline for NLP projects
- Extending performance using Deep Learning
Who is this masterclass for?

Data Science aspirants

Data Science enthusiasts

Professionals who want to switch to Data Science

Interact with a seasoned Data Scientist
Get the Speaker's presentation
Get dataset files and program code on GitHub
Win a Surprise Bonus at the end of the session
The Data Science Masterclass is for Data Science aspirants, Data Science enthusiasts, students, and professionals who want to switch to Data Science.
The registration process is easy! On the Data Science Masterclass page, click on the Pay Now Button. Fill in the name, email, contact information, and year of graduation in the registration form and submit.
Yes, there is a minimal registration fee, which is Rs.99 only.
The Data Science Masterclass will be conducted on GoToWebinar. After you submit the registration form, our team will share the link to attend the class.
If you love the free session and would like to enter the world of Data Science, join our job-oriented Data Science Bootcamp. The outcome is a job in Data Science; this is facilitated by OdinSchool’s dedicated placement support. We partner with 500+ companies that hire our graduates.