Kaggle and Competitive Data Science
About the speaker
Saurabh started his career as a Data Scientist and then ventured into the research-driven business fields. He holds experience in building end-to-end Data Science solutions and he plays a key role in transforming the data science workflows. Along with his industrial, research background, he is also experienced in teaching and training activities. Currently, he is leading initiatives that are helping college students and industry professionals venture into research-driven data science aspects.
His extensive experience in non-linear dynamics, computational physics, and fluid dynamics led to the publication of several peer-reviewed research papers and 6 years of experience in teaching Physics and Mathematics in prominent US universities.
In this interactive session, Saurabh briefs about Kaggle and how one can make use of Kaggle for career growth. He also touches upon Kaggle competitions and the benefits of participating.
Kaggle is a machine learning and data science enthusiasts community platform. Users can collaborate with other users, find and publish datasets, use GPU-integrated notebooks, and compete with other data scientists to solve data science challenges on Kaggle.
Watch the full video to learn more about the benefits of using Kaggle.