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What are the Use Cases of Big Data

What are the Use Cases of Big Data

To generate a successful business model, creating new insights by mining different sources of data is very important. To mine the Data and Big Data technologies are very essential. There are so many use cases in every business model which reflect Big Data. Please find below 5 primary and high-value use cases that would lead us toward big data:

Big Data Exploration: It enables you to explore and mine big data to find, visualize, and understand all your data to improve decision-making.

  • Enhanced 360-degree View of the Customer: It takes all the available and meaningful information about the customer to drive better engagement, more revenue, and long‐term loyalty.
  • Security Intelligence criteria: It enhances cybersecurity and intelligence analysis platforms to process and analyze new data types.
  • Operations Analysis: It helps to gain real‐time visibility into operations, customer experience, transactions, and behavior.
  • Data Warehouse Modernization: Integrating Big Data with data warehouse capabilities will increase operational efficiency.

Big Data Ecosystem and its Components:

The Success of the Hadoop framework led to the development of an array of software. Hadoop, along with this set of software, makes the Hadoop an ecosystem. The main purposes of this software are:

  • Enhance the functionality and
  • Increase the efficiency of the Hadoop Framework.

The below figure shows the Hadoop Ecosystem Components:
