9 Essential Skills For Your Big Data Career In 2015 |Big Data
Apache Hadoop
Big Data Analytics: Enhancing The Value Of Technology |Big Data
Is Big Data Applicable For Small Businesses?
Why Big Data Is The New Competitive Advantage
Working With Big Data Challenges |Big Data
Fast Data Or Big Data What's Right For You | Big Data
The Increasing World Of Open Source Big Data Tools |Big Data
With Hadoop rising by leaps and bounds on the popularity charts, and MapReduce seemingly running out of friends, business owners and corporate managers are now looking for innovative tools for giving back quicker solutions. Recent trends are tracking important new developments in the maturing NoSQL space and Hadoop stack.. and lots more.
Read on for a closer look at some popular open source big data tools that are making their presence felt in the ever increasing world of big data.
Big Data Myths That Impact SMEs | Big Data
Myth #1 Big Data is all about Storage of Terabytes or Petabytes of Data
What is big data?
There is no rigid definition for " Big data". It is an all-inclusive term that refers to the voluminous amount of structured and unstructured data that is so big that it’s difficult to process using traditional databases and software techniques. In business terms, Big Data refers to the technology an organization can adopt to extract meaningful information. This information is owned by a company that can be collected, organized, and analyzed to produce business intelligence and value in the...